Monday, November 24, 2014

SmartWatch a Luxury ?

Hows life been treating ya ??

It's been bumming me out lately, was wondering when Pebble will be available in my country (INDIA : )

Was waiting forever and finally when it was available, I realised that it wouldn't suit/pair up with my Windows Phone :(

Then came watches like Moto 360,iWatch etc., nothing caught my eye except the beautiful Microsoft Band. It was simple, stylish and definitely a marvel of a design.

Priced at 199.99 USD roughly 12k INR I was stunned,coz my mobile costs around 10k only :(  , do I need to buy a accessory that costs more than the main device ?

Still I was searching for places where I could see/try on a Microsoft Band, it turns out there isn't a Microsoft Store in India :(

I mean people like Jeff Bezos(Amazon CEO) Tommy Hilfiger are visiting India to promote thier brands and to find that we don't have a Microsoft Store was just depressing...

Also, when Tablets where announced the price drop was relatively quick compared to that of Smart Watches. I'm just wondering if at all the concept of SmartWatch will catch on and will it available for everyone ,,, and not just the elite ?

And why hasn't watch companies like Fastrack, Titan, Timex and Casio jumped onto the SmartWatch bandwagon ?

I wish the market will change soon, and SmartWatches will penetrate our lives just like SmartPhones in recent times.

All Hail Technology \m/

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